God Does What He Says – Exodus 9:5,6

And the Lord set a time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.” So the Lord did this thing on the next day, and all the livestock of Egypt died; but of the livestock of the sons of Israel, not one died.

God by His very nature is a Doer. What He says He will do. YHWH – I Will Be. His Being is Action. His words are perfectly fulfilled in His doing. His Word is His bond and Jesus Christ is His Word. John 1:1. His Word is action because it is inevitable. Throughout the history of Israel He spoke of a day when He would send One to the world to save the world. The Word thus became flesh and even lived among us. Jesus is God doing what He said He would do – sending His presence among us and then staying with us by His Holy Spirit.

Most honest people today admit that doing what they say they will do: i.e. keeping their word, is often a challenge. It involves commitment and commitment is neither popular nor common in the world today nor is it consistent with human nature. It requires discipline, something not bound up in pleasure but rather tied to resolve and often resistance. In contrast, Father God will tax the last grain of sand to keep His Word and since He owns every single grain, we can rest easy. He is perfectly faithful and just. He keeps his Word. He does what He says.

For those who seek Righteousness, this truth is profoundly good. It is expressed in the Good News, the gospel. Jesus Christ has become the Righteousness of God for us just as Father God said. He keeps His Word and His Word is Jesus Christ.

For those who refuse God and reject Jesus this truth of God’s nature to do what He says and keep His word is profoundly terrifying. His promise to remove sin, to punish evil and to allow those who reject Him to exist away from His presence will be kept – even into eternity. He has perfect love and perfect justice. He does what He says and we would be wise to heed Him.

This is one of the foundational promises of God and remember, we truly are standing on the promises of God. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that promise. He is our only Hope.

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