Faithful Gratitude – Exodus 4.31

So the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD was concerned about the sons of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, they bowed low and worshiped.

When a culture chooses to forget and deny God, ingratitude naturally follows and with ingratitude comes every form of evil idolatry known to man. Sadly, we are seeing this in our nation now. Not subtle, insidious idolatry; open, flagrant evil performances before the chief idolator, satan. Self becomes central and all hell breaks loose.

When a people truly believe in an eternal God who not only exists but also sees and cares, the natural response is gratitude in worship. They fall to their faces in worship to the One who chooses to love and rescue them. They are overwhelmed with His presence and respond with gracious acts of worship. This gratitude reworks a culture. It reframes reality and leads people into truth and righteousness. The people of God must never lose a deep sense of gratitude for who God is and what He has done. It shapes us into His image and preserves our lives.

May Father God always keep us grounded in thanksgiving. May we never forget all that He is and all that He has done. May we continually encourage one another with this life forming truth.

For all that You are we will thank you.
For all that You’ve done and for all that You are going to do we thank You.

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